Meditation Unlocked: A Beginner’s Meditation Course

From the moment we wake to the time we close our eyes, we’re swamped with tasks and expectations. This constant state of overstimulation can lead to stress, frustration and sleepless nights. But what if you could calm your mind and stay grounded no matter what’s going on around you? That’s where meditation comes in.

Introducing Meditation Unlocked, a 4-week beginner-friendly meditation course crafted for the modern woman. Discover how to use meditation and breathwork to find balance, focus, and tranquillity—even during the most hectic days.

Your guide on this journey, the radiant Sarah Wenck, will teach you four practical meditation techniques to help you establish a regular meditation practice that fits your lifestyle.

Benefits of the Course

  • Create inner calm
    Gain tools to navigate life’s storms (or toddler tantrums) with a sense of calm and composure.
  • Find more focus
    Accomplish tasks with newfound efficiency and ease — even with a little one tugging at your leg.
  • Reset your nervous system
    Learn breathwork and relaxation techniques to free you from the relentless ‘fight or flight’ cycle.
  • Release limiting beliefs
    Compassionately acknowledge and release inner conflicts that hold you back from your dreams.
  • Improved sleep
    Support your mind to truly relax resulting in a more restful sleep so you can wake up energised.

What You'll Learn

  • Meditation fundamentals
    Understand the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of meditation and how it can positively influence your life.
  • Types of meditation practices
    Explore four beginner-friendly meditation techniques to discover what resonates with you.
  • How to build your meditation practice
    You don’t need to meditate for hours to see benefits. Learn how to make meditation a part of your daily wellness routine.

Dates & Times

  • Session 1: Friday 10th November 7pm
  • Session 2: Friday 17th November 7pm
  • Session 3: Friday 24th November 7pm
  • Session 4: Friday 1st December 7pm

Investment: $99.

Reserve your spot today and embark on a journey towards tranquillity, focus, and inner freedom.

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